ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Okay, so you know those tiny crumbled up rock deposits at the Footpaw? Use a pickaxe (preferably metal) and you will get (not much) a good amount. (Not like 100 or smth.) Hope this helped! Like so new people can see this.
More Metal Tips
This is for newer players so please don’t downvote because your Quetz and anky can get more. Step one make a raft with a bed and some storage and if you want to you can put a furnace down. Step two if you have an anky get them on the raft with some ramps and roofs. Step 3 look at the ark wiki and find the nearest metal rocks (the gold ones). Step four Christopher Columbus your a$$ over there. Step five for longer stays make a little house nothing fancy even 2 foundations a bed and storage with some backup gear will do. Step six get that metal. Also bring way more than you think you ever will, 1900 metal ore will only make 10 longneck rifles. Thank you for reading this, if I knew you read this it would make my day, now have a lovely rest of your day……
You can get a decent amount of metal from piles of rocks with a pick if you cant find shiny yellow rocks
Can we have a moment for our amazing ankys…
Argy + Anky
Loads of metal :)
Gas bag+mining drill= more metal than you know what to do with!
Make it point to the sky if this helped!!!
If ur on mobile just go to the top of the volcano and there will be all the metal, obsidian, and crystal u will ever need with ZERO things that want to kill u.
P.S is it just me or does everything I type have a 12 second delay
I am on the new ark mobile and the stones with metal don't spawn again when i mine them and i need metal, help!
Poor people use a stone pick. Crazy people use a metal pick . Normal people use a anky rich people use a magmasour
Tame an anky and argy pick up the anky with an argy go to metal mountain then hit metal rocks with your anky and boom you have a metal making machine
Leave Anky Melee at 800 that’s cap adding more Melee does not get you more metal use the rest of the points on weight and health