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(Scp Scientist) quick, tranquiliz it while its in its natural form!

Wait wha-

*they shoot me and i colapse on the ground*

(Scp Scientist) transport it back to the cell.

*they move me back to the cell and i wake up*

Wha, You....... I trusted you.

(Scp scientist) well, you are a scp, so how are we supposed to trust you. Bring in scp 682.

*they put the hard to kill reptile in the cell*


"Who are you?"

(Scp Scientist) this is scp 1930.

"SHUT IT, I didnt ask you. Who are you?"

*I look up at the Scientists*

Do you speak any other languages?


*we switch to a language the Scientists cant understand*

So, how much about me do you want to know.

"First off, do you like humans?"

I used to, but after the 3rd time i died I decided to stop playing nice.

"Hm. What are you? They say your an scp but you dont seem like one?"

Ah, because im not an scp. Those dummys think im an scp, but really im just a living shadow.

"Ah yes, I heard about those."

Actually, i believe they put you in here for me to kill you, but i dont think I want to, you are nice to speak to.

"They put me here to kill me? They have tried multiple times, its getting old, i just regenerate over and over again."

I could free you.

"You can?"

Yes, well, sort of. I can send you to the shadow realm, they would put you in a cage, but do not worry, as soon as i escape this place, i would release you. Just, try not to kill my subjects.

"Ah, i see. Well, go ahead!"

*a black hand bursts from the ground and drags 682 underground*

(Scp Scientist) well done. But i have some news.

Well, what is it?

(Scp Scientist) you are going to have to stay here.

For how long?

(Scp Scientist) forever, you can be of use.

*my dark aura changes to a deep dark red that covers the entire cell*


(Scp Scientist) just calm down.

*portals open all around me, and coming from them are shadows armed to the teeth*

You. Will. Regret. This.

*the portals close and all of the shadows(including me) melt into shadows.*

-scp shadow

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