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I'm the variant of Loki that gave up the quest for glorious purpose to pursue her dreams of becoming a poet. Call me Limerickist Loki lol.

(You idiot. It's Limericist.)

What? No its not.

(Google it.)


I've been saying Limerickist this whole time...

(Yes, and I've been rolling in my metaphorical grave.)

And please Pres, the credit is still due to you for creating this wonderful universe. I simply planted a few seeds in a beautiful flower garden. You have my permission to do whatever you'd like with any of my characters, especially since they wouldn't exist if not for you.

And just a little insight on Canary: she's an extreme sociopath (the few emotions she does have are exclusively self-centered, unless she's faking, which she probably would to get her way.)

~C- I mean, Limericist Loki

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