ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I did it with megatherium and it worked
More Artifact of the Clever Tips
In Mobile, this is the only place I know you can find Megalosaurus and plus when I attack with a Megalodon, the dinosaurs getting attacked don't attack me. Rarely they do attack my Megalodon.
Tip #3 of how to cheese a cave.
Artifact of the clever.
Requirements: 5,000 hp baryonyx, with 500% melee, and melee weapons and ranged weapons.
Dangers: Cold water, cold temperatures, caves tend to be more sensitive to temperature changes, for example dropping temperatures outside will affect the cave temperatures.
Animal dangers: dung beetles are aggressive when hit and will stop at nothing to attack you if you accidentally hit them, onyc aggressive as always, it is common to find arthopleuras in this cave, it is even more common than the lower south cave. There are also araneos, titanboas, pulmonscorpious, and meglasaurus. English, snake, spiders, bats, and scorpions are extremely common. Meglasaurus, centipedes,beetles, and pihranas are common. They are simply just not as common. Pihranas do damage that can be heavy when you have low health and armor, bring decent armor and level up health so that you don’t worry about this. Snakes and scorpion are overwhelming creatures as there are many of them, use the recommended stats on you bary and you will kill them effortlessly. Bats are similar but they fly in circles making it hard to hit them, just tap really fast even if you are not hitting, just be careful not to hold or that will dismount you. Bringing a ranged weapon can help with both bats and centipedes, centipedes get less damage for melee weapons, But for ranged they get increased. Meglasaurus wake up at night so be careful as they are more powerful at night and if on a small mount they-can pick you or your mount up.
Notes: This applies for ark mobile players, mega rabies is not on ark mobile and neither are megalanias. The stats recomended and you bary are most achievable and work best on max level 150 servers.
As for the cave layout,I recommend that you stick to the left and occasionally go on your right. There is a strip of land in between water, that is where the artifact is, it is only a line so don’t fall or the pihranas will get you and it will be hard to get out of the water.
Loot: loot crates exist, they spawn a in a hard to identify place as they can spawn randomly in different places. The loot quality is yellow and there is 4 dossiers here so collect them all if you would like. From what I remeber it is the araneo near the explorer note, the megladon near the entracnce, and close to it triceratops, I forgot the fourth one. The tribute loot is considered trash as it is 10x soothing balm, chitin armor made or blueprint, and grappling hooks, from what I know.
Extra notes:
There is more loot but I have only ran this cave twice as it is boring and hard because I don’t live super close to that cave. I found a bug where if you have lets say an argy, anky, or a tapejara up there because you were taming something or mining metal which both where my cases, taming a sabertooth and mining metal, they will appear near the cave entrance. For example argy and other flyers close to the entrance, and anky right next to it on the side or in front of it. Make sure you have them on neutral, max level allo and his goofy pack were attacking my tames that were on passive, bleed damage got to my quetzal, and it had 8 k health but it went down to 1k, this is with a ascendant saddle 89 armor. I recomend you run this cave twice, first for the explorer note and artifact to tribute, as this is the third least hardest, but it gives good exp, more than lower south and lava cave. The second run is for missed explorer note if you had any an to put the artifact on the pedestal. Baryonyx are supposed to be carried by meglasaurus but they aren’t. I fought four and none of them did so.
Keep surviving survivor.-Boss slayer.