ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Happy painting, and God bless, my friend.
-Bob Rossic
also use a industrial cooker, it is good for dyes.
More Red Coloring Tips
put this with black on tek armor it looks cool
I knew how to make a gun before I knew this
I never ever knew how to get dye
Jedi, I’m sorry to correct you, but I HATE seeing incorrect Dino facts, so here goes...
T. Rex itself did not start out a 3 feet tall. T. Rex’s ANCESTORS did. There were many different species in the tyrannosaur evolutionary line that led up to T.Rex at the very end of the mesozoic. Allosaurus and Giganotosaurus are not related to T. Rex, they belong to entirely different groups of theropods, and those two names are NOT different names for T. Rex.
I’m sorry
- President Loki
Zany zebra bob ross is epic🧑🎨🧑🎨
Hey Doom, finally read your story and I really enjoyed it! Felt a bit strange jumping through random sections like that, but your chapters weren't buried under a bunch of other stuff, so I guess it worked!
One question, what exactly IS The Monarch? Like, what does he look like, because I was just picturing a comical wizard the whole time, lol.
Anyways, great story, seems like it could be a webcomic.
Dino facts are shorter now. Also, the news paper has a name.
The Carno had armor like plates that covered its whole body. In fact, the first carno ever found had had its plates fossilized, and scientists could almost see what it looked like exactly.
Sally's shot salamanders are now shooting at Sarah who is Sally's sister. (The salamanders have come back from the dead and now have stolen Sally's AK-47. The very weapon used to kill them. Sally is 12. Sarah is 10.)
With great power comes great responsibility. So if you don't get a job and have power and junk, you have no responsibilities over stuff.
Always have more than one of a tool. If it breaks at the wrong moment, fixing it will make you slower and easy prey, rather than pulling out a new weapon.
THE RED PIKE> GOLIATH lies in the forest, waiting for death, but also yearning, for REVENGE. TYRANA is, well, I really don't know. SIYU LI prepares for war. He is angered that Nerva attacked his home, but it's time to return the favor. CHRISTOPHER WALKER recovers from his wounds, but really, he's just chillin like a villain. But the real villain, is VAUIS NERVA hunts through the woods, looking for the new powerful creature that managed to defeat Golaith.
I am still here.
But very sick.
Like, VERY sick.
w a t e r p l e a s e