ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Hey, Nightfall! I apologize if you’ve been around before and I just never noticed!
Back to what I was saying: the chapter that you wrote it wonderful! Your grammar is pretty well-written and it’s rather descriptive! And the names are all very much unique, too. I love the name Whiplash especially.
Hope to see more! And welcome to the dyes!
- President Loki
More Pink Coloring Tips
Does anyone remember when there was a man named Pink Guy, who lived on an Iceberg and beat baby penguins to death and fed them to the other penguins in his sanctuary. Ah yes. The good old days of Ark.
-The paw print path-
Chapter six.
“NOOOOOO!” Crimson howled. “ROSIE!!!” He bit down hard on the fenrir’s paw that was holding Crimson down. Then he ran.
Crimson ran with tears streaming down his snout. His parents were dead. His sister was dead. He was being chased. He had to get to the mountain. Where else could he go that was safe but the mountain?
How far Crimson ran he didn’t know but finally he collapsed. He was exhausted. Who cared if the fenrirs found him. They already got his family. He was alone in the world. He finally fell asleep after a while of tossing…
Crimson was awakened by a sniffing sound. At first he thought the fenrirs had found him. He opened his eyes and gazed into a pair of hazel eyes, the exact color of Rosie’s. “Rosie?” He said. The wolf cocked her head at him then came into full view. Crimson’s heart sank with disappointment. It wasn’t Rosie. This wolf was a light brown whereas Rosie was auburn. “You ok?” The she wolf asked. “You’re bleeding.” Crimson sat up. “Who are you?” He asked. “I’m Hazel.” She said, looking curiously at Crimson. Crimson go up and started walking away from her. “Wait!” She said. She trotted up to him. “You didn’t tell me what you’re name was.” Crimson sighed. “I’m Crimson.” He said wearily. “Where are you going?” She asked. “The mountain.” He replied shortly. He was confused why this wolf wanted anything to do with him. “Well… you’re injured and obviously not in shape to go alone.” Hazel said. “Let me come with you.” “No!” Crimson barked losing patience. “Go back to your family!” Hazel stopped walking but Crimson continued. He glanced back at her. Her ears were laid flat on the sides of her head. “I don’t have any family anymore.” She said softly. Crimson stopped to look at her. Her eyes filled with tears. “My father died before I was born and my mother…” Her voice broke. “my mother took care of me till-till she got sick and died two years ago… and now I have no place to go…” She was alone just like him Crimson thought. Might as well let her tag along if she didn’t cause trouble. “Fine.” He said. Hazel looked up,her eyes still glistening with tears. “R-really?” Crimson nodded. And so Crimson and his new friend Hazel set off to continue to go to the mountain.
- The paw print path-
Chapter four.
Crimson awoke to feel paws shaking him. “Go away Rosie.” Crimson groaned. But it wasn’t Rosie. “Wake up son.” Fang said. “Wake up quickly.” Crimson rolled over and faced his father. “What is it?” He saw that Amy and Rosie where up but it was obviously still night. “Wha- he began but then he heard it. Growls and sniffs coming from further in the cave. “You need to take your sister and go.” Amy said hurriedly. “Who’s here.” Crimson asked. “Don’t y’all worry about that. Fang said. “Take the back exit.” Amy said. “We’ll catch up.” “Head due east till you come to the tallest winter mountain.” “There you will find some of our distant tribe.” “Stay there we’ll come.” Amy said. “But…” began Crimson. Through the doorway of the sleeping room several huge wolves( fenrirs). “Go!” Growled Fang before launching himself unto one of the fenrirs. Without any more hesitation Crimson grabbed Rosie by the scruff off her neck and they raced through the back tunnels. Behind them they could hear whining and yelping coming from the cave. Finally they got out of the cave. They ran through the meadow into the forest heading east…
I really like ur stories Nightfall! Pls continue!
Finished Riley the Rex! Yay 🥳! Now I’m starting on a new one, Danna the Direwolf. Hope you read and enjoy.
-Dilo Girl
-the paw print path-
Chapter ten.
“NOOO!” Crimson howled with fury. He bit down hard on the fenrir holding him down. It yelped and let go. Crimson lunged at Hazel knocking her out of the way. The fenrir who had been about to end Hazel bit down on him.
Hazel was hit by something so hard and fast she flew a short distance and hit a tree. She could hardly move much less breath. “C-crimson?” She saw the fenrir over him and then… it bit down on him. She opened her mouth to scream or something but she could not breath. It was about to bite down again on her when it stopped. A wolf flew through the air and attacked it, then four more wolves, then about fifty more came flooding out of a cave in the mountain. The fenrirs where no match for them. They fled from the wolves. One of the wolves trotted up to Hazel. “Are you okay?” He asked Hazel opened her mouth and let out a sob. She got to her paws and hobbled over to Crimson collapsing on his lifeless body. “Crimson? Crimson pls no! Don’t leave me!” She sobbed. Crimson did not move.
Slowly, softly, Hazel sang in a trembling voice:
“Heart beats fast. Colors and
promises. How to be brave? How
can I love when I’m afraid to fall?
but watching you stand alone all of my
doubt suddenly goes away somehow. One
step closer… I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years…I’ll love you for a thousand years”
She stopped singing, her sobs getting the best of her. “Crimson.” She whispered. “I love you.” She continued sobbing. Around her the warrior wolves stood silently watching. From behind the clouds a rainbow shone brightly and colorfully. It shone over her and Crimson, bathing them in its enchanting light. Suddenly, miraculously Crimson’s eyes blinked. He stared into Hazel’s eyes. “Hazel?” He asked. Hazel gasped in wonder…
The epilogue.
Seven years later…
“Now first thing you do after you find your prey is crouch, like so.” “then you pounce. Got it?” Hazel watched as her husband Crimson taught their children how to hunt. They had two daughters (Rose and Emmy) and one son (Victor). “Can I try?” Rose and Emmy asked in union. “No! Let me try!” Victor said. Crimson caught Hazel’s eye. She smiled at him. She trotted up to him pressing against him, then she licked the side of his snout. He licked her back. “How about mommy go first? Hmm?” Hazel asked. “You know, show daddy how it’s done.” She said nudging Crimson playfully. Crimson gave a exaggerated frown… And so they lived and loved each other for the rest of their lives and still whenever other creatures pass through the forest they can still find the paw print path they made all the way to the mountain…
The end.
Painted my Dino nursery with this and they seemed disinterested. :/
-the paw print path-
Chapter nine.
“We’re only one day away!” Hazel said excitedly. “Will you be staying at the mountain?” Crimson asked her. Hazel looked down. “No,” she said. “no I don’t think so, I’m done being stuck in a cave hiding.” Crimson’s heart dropped but he didn’t know why. He hardly knew Hazel. And yet… there was something about her. He watched her lower her head and lap water from the river. She raised her head and looked at him. He looked away feeling guilty though he done nothing wrong. “What is it?” She asked. “Nothing.” He said a little too quickly. “I’m just happy we’re almost there.” They walked till they were at the foot of the mountain not stopping to rest. “We’re here.” Crimson said astounded. Hazel looked around. “I wonder where the entrance is.” She pondered. “I don’t…” Crimson paused in his speech. Then he heard it. Growling. Crimson gave a groan. “Not again.”
-the paw print path-
Chapter eight.
Their progress was slow. Crimson had gotten injured both from the attack of the finrirs and the hyenas so he was rather slow. And though he refused to admit it to Hazel he was hurting. Gradually though they learned to trust each other. Hazel hunted for both of them since Crimson was too weak.
“We’re about six days away from the mountain.” Hazel said sniffing the air. Crimson nodded but didn’t say anything. “So… you got any family at the mountain?” Hazel asked as they began to cross a river. Crimson shook his head. “No, not that I know of.” Hazel rubbed against him. “Well we’ll have each other.” She said, then seemingly embarrassed she backed off and went to “scout ahead” Crimson watched as Hazel gracefully hopped from stone from stone across the river. Crimson tried in vain to hop to the next stone after Hazel but slipped and plunged face first into the water. He pulled himself out of the water and climbed up back into the rock he had slipped off, sputtering and spitting from getting water on his face. A sound Crimson hadn’t heard in a long time came from up ahead where Hazel was. He looked over at Hazel. She was laughing, not at him but because she thought it was funny. Her melodious laughter rang through the air. Crimson smiled at her. She smiled back at him. Then to his surprise she trotted up to him and licked him sweetly on the side of his snout. She then bounded to the next rock and looked back at him, as if daring him to follow her. He happily did so…
-The paw print path-
Chapter seven.
Although Crimson had let Hazel “tag along” he still didn’t trust her. She was always so happy. Why? Didn’t she say that she had no family? So why was she so joyful? She seemed almost oblivious to the dangers of the forest. She was always talking as well. What was wrong with her? She was doing it now too. “I always wondered why us wolves live in caves.” She said. “Haven’t you?” “I mean they are sorta cold and dark and…” Suddenly Crimson snapped. “NO, I HAVE NOT! WILL YOU JUST STOP TALKING!” “WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO HAPPY?!” He yelled. “DO YOU CARE THAT YOUR FAMILY IS GONE?!” He stopped, breathing heavily. “Crimson I’m sorry…” Hazel began. Crimson cut her off before she could continue. “No just go.” He said. “What?” Hazel asked. “GO.” He said again. Hazel’s ears dropped and her tail drooped between her hind legs. She walked slowly away then disappeared from his sight into another part of the woods. Crimson then continued walking walking his wound for some reason hurting more than they were earlier.
Crimson walked till nightfall then curled up next to a large tree. He was unable to catch anything to eat because his wounds slowed him down. He suddenly regretted sending Hazel away. Not only was she good company but he liked her. There was a strange feeling that came upon him every time he thought of her. He was falling asleep when something moved in his peripheral vision. He sat up and looked. Yellow eyes watched him. “Hazel?” He asked hopefully. A giggle came from the creature. Then it laughed hysterically. From his other side something laughed. Well it wasn’t Hazel. From the shadows hyenas came laughing and giggling. “Well, well what have we here.” One laughed. “A injured wolf.” Another giggled. “Leave me alone.” The weakened Crimson growled. “It would be a shame to leave him injured.” A hyena said. “Better to put him out of his misery.” Crimson was surrounded. One lunged at Crimson’s biting down on his shoulder. Crimson bit the hyena back and flung it. But more advanced. They where all over him biting and nipping him. Crimson was no match for them. He was going to die. But then something happened. Something rammed into the pack of hyenas knocking them off Crimson. A wolf stood over Crimson while the hyenas circled. “You want him?” The wolf growled. “You’ll have to kill me first!” A hyena lunged at the wolf. The wolf bit the hyena around the neck before it her. She flung the hyena. The rest of the hyenas charged her but they were no match. They went down one by one until they finally fled howling with embarrassment. The wolf looked down with her bright hazel eyes. “You ok down there?” She asked. “Hazel?” Crimson said surprised. Hazel grinned. “I told you that you weren’t in fit to travel alone.” Crimson smiled glad to have her back.
Later they found a new campsite just in case the hyenas decided to come back. They laid down to rest. “Hazel?” Crimson asked. Hazel looked up. “Yeah?” She asked. “Im sorry for what I said.” He said. “It’s ok.” She sighed. “I know I always seem so happy but it’s just…” she took a deep breath. “Before my mother died she told me that sadness comes and sadness goes but we shouldn’t hold on to it and one day all the ones we love…” she looked up at the sky. “we’ll see them again.” She said.