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Didn't even know all this was happening. Well uh, to give some clarification, Dilo isn't on her own. Seasnake and I (and I think Lamprey) have been helping her out and giving her some of the tribe tames. I don't know if something else happened and I just missed it, but this is what I know so far: Dilo had been kicked out (I wasn't there). She came back, made her own tribe and explained to me what happened. In retaliation I started sneaking her some of the tribes tames including an unused ptera and wolf, then Seasnake joined in by bringing her supplies I think. As far as what's happened since then, no clue, and though he is a good person, we all know DTG can be a bit childish at times, but overall we are all on the same team and making another war out of this is the last thing we need right now.

In the words of Caesar: (the ape, not Rome's leader) "Together, ape strong."





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