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Swamp, take it from the person from a monarchist country,

Loyalty gets you nowhere, disloyalty gets you everywhere,

There are two ways I can prove this to you and bring you back to the light,

One, I invite you to a calm discussion of wholesome principles over some tea and biscuits,

Or two, I get into another huge argument with DtG and if you side with him I bombard you with my values until you join me against him, for obvious reasons I'd prefer option one.

Of course, I could also just side with apex, nazgûl and dilo girl to keep a war from happening and help a war be won if the inevitable happens and a war starts.

I, as a pacifist by nature, would prefer it if the fanfictioner community stayed whole and seamless as it once was, with DtG alone far away from it, of course, the little parasite has come to corrupt many of our minds, and yet all I feel for him is sadness, that he extinguished the good Jekyll he used to be and became the obnoxious Hyde he is now.

~Poeciloteria sincerica

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