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Swamp, what are you, DtG's hyaenodon?(no offence intended)

Can't you see that loyalty is just another word for blind subservience,

The good things are simply DtG's convincer that he's a good ruler,

Which he is, in a few ways, I'll try to be honest and not let earthly feelings cloud my judgement here, so here are all of DtG's good leadership qualities:

Can let someone off for a crime, even if his mind disagrees with the choice.

Friendly and helpful, well, when you're on his good side.

Doesn't hesitate to say "NO. This is the law" when pressed.

Bad qualities:

Isn't very flexible(see good quality three)

Impatient and a bit of an escapist(for reasons relating to LLP I cannot elaborate further)

quick to come to blows when his views are challenged.

Also, bit irrelevant, I read a book once with a character just like DtG, nice guy at heart but very easily swayed the wrong way, quite like me too actually. . .

If you're wondering, his name was "King Kev"

~Poecilotheria metallica


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