ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Hi guys it me again Ghost! I’ve noticed that not a lot of the fan fictioners are posting anymore. Just the new people. I know y’all are busy with life and stuff but pls come back sometime. We miss u guys. 🥹🥹🥹. #FF4L. ✌️.
More Stream Coloring Tips
CPG, that’s ok. My posts seem to take a century to post! 😩. I have a story that starts in dire wolf called “the paw print path” and I’m about to start another story. Also I have claimed Fuschia coloring for us fan fictioners so pls come and feel free to send stories and chat there. Anyway… happy… Christmas break? 😃 #FF4L.
Hey Guys MrGhostGamer here! I love Dododex. And I think most of you guys do too!(In my vocabulary guys means both boys and girls!) but I have seen some posts about people wanting too write story’s that are rated M! (Maturity) Which I don’t think is appropriate for some people on Dododex! Most of the people on Dododex are kids or tweens or teens!! Maturity is not appropriate for kids under twenty! (Younger kids I’m not saying what maturity is, I don’t think you should know till ur older!) Some states of maturity are SUPER inappropriate! So plz don’t ruin Dododex for kids! Lesson: DO NOT WRITE STORIES RATED M! Pls celebrate responsibly this season!
Yours Truly,
ok now im actually scared what gonna happen in chap 96
I was looking through dyes and I found… i think it was… Orc dye? Maybe? But yeah I think it was a hater dye. And I found a post from Moon. But Moon hasn’t been posting that I’ve seen. Other than her story’s… Sooo. I don’t know if it was an impersonator or just Moon being rude. It said:
“Sup y’all, Moonflight here. Just came to call someone out. Ghost/Michael/Justin beaver/Sunnyfox, I didn’t mind at first but pretending to be multiple people and causing chaos, not to mention pretending to be both a hater AND a Fanfictioner? It’s honestly just funny now. What are you twelve?
Also hi Wyvernian! Glad you spotted this guy and his hater rants. How you doing?”
And everyone is both a Hater and a FanFictioner! Admit it there’s at least one story in Dododex that you hate! It could be mine! It could be Moons! It could be anyones! Everyone has tried too write a story at least once in your lives. And it’s most likely fiction! So… I don’t mean harm. I’m sure you don’t.. but if you discourage someone… you just are being mean. You can either help someone up when they fall or you can spit on them and walk away! Plz choose the first one. And just bc the haters are mean doesn’t mean you have too be mean too them too. And even if SunnyFox57 is Ghost and Michael Blueberry, you don’t get mad at Shadow for having multiple names too sign off from like, The Dark One, and Melody. So stop being mean too one person and you aren’t being mean too the other person even tho they are doing the exact same thing bc you favor the second person.
A very mad
Hello there, ghost! Merry Christmas! (It takes 2-4 days for this to upload so don’t mind about it)
Good to meet you, Tek Dodorex and Nazgûl!
You dont meet me because I don’t do ark cuz I have “mildly” strict screen time and I cant access my brothers xbox (I do have a brother, he’s a decade older than me)
~ CPG (hooray I feel like I exist!)
Hi guys I’m Ghost! I don’t think we’ve meet but hello! I have wrote a few stories here on Dododex. Merry Christmas! 😊. #FF4L
Hello I also came here from DTG so I would like to introduce myself
I am a small story maker a have started a new story in the mana section called -50
I have been gone for about a year I have been focusing on school and have been trying to improve my story’s
I go by Tek DODOREX
But I might change it to Chaotic Dodo
From yours truly Tek DODOREX
That’s fine CPG. I like ur name as it is! 😀. Cya around!
I’m bored too CPG/whatever name u choose. My tv broke so….idk what to do. Thankfully tvs aren’t the source of entertainment.