ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Ok guys, admit it. Someone keeps impersonating me. I don’t know who it is but they keep doing it. I wrote “Seeing with more than eyes” , “the songbird”, and “the paw print path” here on Dododex but I didn’t write “the Shadowmanes curse”. Idk who is but pls STOP! I’m legitimately wondering is it one of u?! Pls stop! #FF4L. ✌️
-A VERY angry Ghost.
More Olive Coloring Tips
This is a bug, they don’t drop this
Theris are painters, change my mind.
Just make dye in cooking pot.
Why does this creature drop olive dye
Oops, sorry.
Forgot you existed since I’m IN A DUNGEON.
Oh goodie, give them here, give them here! I’ll spazz about your spacing another time.
(For sake of rereads, are you okay with me copying and pasting your story to a Pages file of my own?)
- President Loki smells like RANCH
I do care! Now instead of blossoms, you can smell like zesty ranch :D
You must admit, under the circumstances, I've been shockingly nice.
(Oh how I love my Portal references.)
I too reread Waning Unity instead of sleeping last night as a part of my random binge-reading ritual. I made a lot more mistakes than I thought, but there's very little I would change overall (which is saying a LOT for me.) That story was a masterpiece.
I have the first few chapters of TBOB written already, but I don't feel like retyping them to fix the spacing so if I do post them, they're gonna be a lil wonky... Sorry! I haven't gotten to writing the next few chapters yet because my brain decided that I should simultaneously get back to writing several different stories at once.
~CL1 has a headache and probably needs to sleep more.
Wow, thanks. I’m glad to know that you care so much about me, Mom…
I like TBOB. It’s like a mix of TBOBF and TBB (which personally I would prefer Bad Batch over Boba but who am I to say?) and it has a really nice ring to it.
Guess who just re-read Waning Unity and shed a few tears over the epilogues? Definitely not me…
- President Loki
Actually, I'm not entirely sure that's actually shampoo I gave you. It might be that expired Italian salad dressing I left in my cabinet by accident a few weeks ago. I'd double check the label on that bottle before using it...
Honestly, I debated changing the name a few times before because it's too close to the Book of Boba Fett, but Book of Barghest just has such a good ring to it, so unless you've got any better ideas, it stays.
~ CL1
And that fanfiction is then sectored as canon. :)
Is this blossom-scented shampoo? I only use the finest of lasting curls, thank you. This is so unfair. If I wasn’t so perfect I might consider going to extreme measures to get out. But I need to maintain my pristine loveliness.
Oh, goodie. I get to read while in prison, at least. :)
(Not me thinking you said TBOBF instead of TBOB-)
- President Loki is sad about this whole arrangement :(
Co-owner, lol. Eh, you made the Howlverse, I basically just write fanfiction about it.
And nice try with the flattery, but you're not getting out THAT easy... *Chucks a half empty bottle of shampoo in the cell.* I suggest rationing your water according to what's most important for you: hair or thirst.
I'm going to probably end up posting TBOB here since Frost owns sky dye now, and I don't want the Howlverse to slowly start infecting all dyes hehe.
Can you at least get me a mattress? The floor isn’t great on my hair. Lots of dust.
Yeah, go ahead, write what you please. At this point you’re practically the Howlverse’s co-owner so I really don’t care if you want to write spinoffs haha.
Can I come out now?
- President Loki