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Ark Tales (Chapter 3 of 20)


The gates to the huge metal structures swung open, and Hanson and Greta stepped inside, followed closely by Bill. A huge table sat in the middle, with several chairs around it. All the chairs were empty. At the end of the room sat a huge wooden throne, upon which sat a tall, muscular woman with a tanned skin and brown shoulder length hair. She wore hide boots, metal gloves, a cloth shirt, and hide pants. She looked up and stared at them. “Ah, Bill, you have returned.” She peered at Greta and Hanson. “Who are they? Are they the delegates from the Saber tribe?” “No, my chief. I discovered them near Drayo’s Cove and brought them here.” The chief bolted upright, suddenly furious. “You did what?!” She screamed. Bill recoiled slightly. “That is Chief Zargot’s territory! You can not just take men from that area!” “With all do respect-“ He started but she cut him off. “This could start another turf war!” She yelled. “One that could bring us into debt with other tribes, which could-“ Bill had enough. He grabbed Hanson’s arm and forced his sleeve up. “They have no implants!” He yelled. Chief Thunderstar stopped. “What?” She said, startled. “They have no implants.” He hissed. A moment of silence settled in the room. The chief finally spoke. “Send out messengers. Call in our scouts.” She said, face white. “We need to hold a meeting with the tribes.”


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