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Hey, guys, sorry if it’s been a while here’s the next chapter of my story!

Ark Tales (Chapter 3 of 20)


Hanson stared ahead at the blazing campfires that lit up the wooden structures ahead people cluttered around the campfires, placing meat on them and talking in low tones with each other. The man marched Hanson and Greta along, pistol drawn. A huge metal structure stood in the middle of the campsite, the only one of its kind. Two men with dirty, sandy hair stood near the structure, heads bowed together in conspiratorial positions. The man stopped. “George! Edward! What are you two doing?” The two men jumped, then slowly turned in guilt. They were twins, with impish faces and dirt covered faces. They held their hands behind their backs in an attempt to hide something from sight. “Owhh, crikey, look it who it is.” The one to the left said.

“Yeah, old Bill Dilley, Chief Thunderstar’s personal assistant.” The one to the right teased. “I know what you two were doing.” The man called Bill Dilley said. He held out his hand. “Now turn over the explosives. Another stunt like that could get you kicked from the tribe. We’re already struggling as it is.” The twins grumpily handed over the C-4 charges, and Bill tossed them in his pack. “Now, go do something useful.” The twins looked at each other and sighed. “Such a spoilsport, innit he?” The one to the left said. “Aye.” The one to the right said wearily. They walked off, heads low. Hanson felt Bill prod him with his pistol. “Well, get on now, nothing to see here.” He said gruffly. Hanson and Greta continued walking.

Hope you enjoyed,


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