ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Hey, guys, sorry if it’s been a while here’s the next chapter of my story!
Ark Tales (Chapter 3 of 20)
Hanson stared ahead at the blazing campfires that lit up the wooden structures ahead people cluttered around the campfires, placing meat on them and talking in low tones with each other. The man marched Hanson and Greta along, pistol drawn. A huge metal structure stood in the middle of the campsite, the only one of its kind. Two men with dirty, sandy hair stood near the structure, heads bowed together in conspiratorial positions. The man stopped. “George! Edward! What are you two doing?” The two men jumped, then slowly turned in guilt. They were twins, with impish faces and dirt covered faces. They held their hands behind their backs in an attempt to hide something from sight. “Owhh, crikey, look it who it is.” The one to the left said.
“Yeah, old Bill Dilley, Chief Thunderstar’s personal assistant.” The one to the right teased. “I know what you two were doing.” The man called Bill Dilley said. He held out his hand. “Now turn over the explosives. Another stunt like that could get you kicked from the tribe. We’re already struggling as it is.” The twins grumpily handed over the C-4 charges, and Bill tossed them in his pack. “Now, go do something useful.” The twins looked at each other and sighed. “Such a spoilsport, innit he?” The one to the left said. “Aye.” The one to the right said wearily. They walked off, heads low. Hanson felt Bill prod him with his pistol. “Well, get on now, nothing to see here.” He said gruffly. Hanson and Greta continued walking.
Hope you enjoyed,
More Teal Coloring Tips
Hope you enjoy.
Ark Tales (Chapter 4 of 20)
The torches around the suddenly blazed to life as the battle drums started. Hanson sat up, startled from his sleep. It had been two days since they had been brought to this tribe. They had been immediately locked up in a small, wooden house in the center of the tribe. Both Hanson and Greta had taken shifts standing near one of the windows and waiting and watching for anything that might occur. Two guards stood at the door, always quiet and watching, never speaking. One huge delegation from what appeared to be another had already arrived on the night of the first day, flying in on what appeared to be several huge birds and and huge bird that Hanson had overheard being called ‘a Quetz’. They had worn fur and hide pelts, which had lead Hanson th believed they lived in a cold climate. Hanson sat up. “What’s going on now?” Hanson asked Greta. Greta looked over at him. ‘I think it’s a delegation from another tribe.” She said, looking back outside. Hanson glanced out with her. Unlike the other delegation, these people did not arrive on huge birds wearing fur pelts. Instead, these people wore simple, sometimes dyed cloth clothes, often without hats. All but a few rode on saddled raptors, marching forward in unity. Hanson and Greta watched as the delegation disappeared from sight, then turned to walk away from the window. Almost as soon as they did, the door banged open, and Bill walked in. “You two are coming with me.” He said grimly. “The council is beginning.”
Ark Tales (Chapter 3 of 20)
The gates to the huge metal structures swung open, and Hanson and Greta stepped inside, followed closely by Bill. A huge table sat in the middle, with several chairs around it. All the chairs were empty. At the end of the room sat a huge wooden throne, upon which sat a tall, muscular woman with a tanned skin and brown shoulder length hair. She wore hide boots, metal gloves, a cloth shirt, and hide pants. She looked up and stared at them. “Ah, Bill, you have returned.” She peered at Greta and Hanson. “Who are they? Are they the delegates from the Saber tribe?” “No, my chief. I discovered them near Drayo’s Cove and brought them here.” The chief bolted upright, suddenly furious. “You did what?!” She screamed. Bill recoiled slightly. “That is Chief Zargot’s territory! You can not just take men from that area!” “With all do respect-“ He started but she cut him off. “This could start another turf war!” She yelled. “One that could bring us into debt with other tribes, which could-“ Bill had enough. He grabbed Hanson’s arm and forced his sleeve up. “They have no implants!” He yelled. Chief Thunderstar stopped. “What?” She said, startled. “They have no implants.” He hissed. A moment of silence settled in the room. The chief finally spoke. “Send out messengers. Call in our scouts.” She said, face white. “We need to hold a meeting with the tribes.”
Ark Tales (Chapter 2 of 20)
The raptor lunged at Hanson, who ducked and rolled out of the way. The raptor spun around, jaw still snapping as Greta jumped away. Suddenly, a gunshot echoed throughout the beach, and the raptor, now with a hole in its head, fell to the ground. Hanson spun around. A man sat atop a triceratops behind them, pistol still smoking from the gunshot. He slowly hopped off the triceratops, gun still pointed in their direction. “Who are you three?” He barked. Hanson blinked. “I’m Hanson. This is Greta.” “What tribe are you with?” He barked. “We’re not with any tribe.” Greta responded. “We crash landed on this planet by mistake.” The man’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah, nice try. Now show me your implants.” Greta and Hanson glanced at each other. “We don’t have any.” “Oh, come on.” The man said as he walked and seized Hanson’s left hand forcing the sleeve back. “Of course you have a-“ The man’s eyes bugged out, because, as Hanson had said, he had no implant. After a short pause, the man spoke. “This is not good.” He said, still staring at Hanson’s arm as he pulled him along. “Come on, you two. I’m taking you to my tribe. Then we’ll figure out what’s going on.”
That’s all, people! Hope you enjoyed this chapter pls leave comments in the bottom for ‘the man’s’ possible name!
(P.S. I left Tantum and John because I can’t focus on four characters at once. Sorry. 😳)
Ark Tales (Chapter 1 of 20)
Hansen woke up on a sandy beach. He sat up, confused. Where was he? This wasn’t the space station he had been on. Where was his friends? Then he remembered. A explosion had destroyed half the space station, sending the second half of the station hurtling throughout space. Hanson and his three friends, Greta, Tantum, John had managed to find an escape pod and leave, but had ended up being sucked into a wormhole that had appeared out of nowhere. The last thing Hansen remembered before getting his head bashed on the wall of the pod was an explosion of light. Hanson shook his head in panic. Where were his friends? “Hanson!” Instant relief filled him as he saw Greta, Tantum, and John emerge from the tree line and run toward him. “Guys!” He exclaimed. He ran over to them. “What happened? Where are we?” He asked. “We don’t know.” Greta said. She frowned. “The last thing we remembered was the…” “Explosion of light?” Hanson asked. She nodded. Hanson frowned. “Well, then, how did we get…” Before he could finish, however, a massive creature jumped from the tree line and landed right beside them. The creature was tall, red, and had curved claws on it’s claws. It flashed its massive arsenal of deadly teeth at them as it snarled. “It’s a…” John started. Greta nodded. “A Velociraptor.”
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I will continue posting in my coloring!
I gues this is what happens when I don't check up :/
Hey, guys, it’s MrDemonRealz and I’m claiming teal coloring for the posting of the chapters of the origin story of ark detailing how the avatars in the game got there and the threats they go through. Hope you will enjoy!
Hi MrDemonRealz! Nice to meet you. 😁 I don’t think we’ve met but I saw your post in my coloring Fuschia. I can’t wait to read your story. 😃Also if u want check out my story “the paw print path”. It starts in dire wolf. Anyway… nice to meet you. #FF4L. ✌️
Hello CPG.
Need more words for a good tip.
Hello it’s me, X-23. I think there is someone impersonating me so I’m changing my name from X-23 to “Sunnyfox57”. Also check out my story “A hyena’s scars” in hyenadon and my story “jerboa travels” that starts in griffin. I just wanted to let y’all know.