ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Personally I don’t think that the haters need a dye but…whatever. Also Wyverain someone keeps downvoting my story too. 😢😢.
#FF4L. ✌️ P.S: yes im a fan fictioner and proud of it.
More Orc Coloring Tips
Unknowngalaxy000, technically we CAN come into this coloring since y’all haters come into ours. Also we fan fictioners are NOT being greedy y’all could totally claim dyes if y’all wanted but what would I do in them? Trash talk us? P.S: like this if your a fan fictioner. #FF4L. ✌️
Don’t worry about the HATERs dye because the fanfiction dyes are kinda slowly dying too. Almost everyone has move on to discord while we at the Dododex can’t or won’t get discord.
Please don’t take this as offense
*general confusion noises*
Just wondering OtherApex, have you read any of my stories?
If you decide to, I’m warning you that some of them were good but others were rushed and made up on the spot so didn’t come out well
Oh it’s fine other Apex, you can continue using your name but maybe just make it easier to tell which Apex you are.
Why is there a coloring for the haters?
Wow! There are two Apexs?! Bruh….
Ahh, okay. Things are now making sense.
First. I’m sorry about calling you an Impersonator, I really thought you were one. I heard of your story but never read it myself and especially didn’t know you went by the name Apex. I wouldn’t have chose the name if I knew someone else was using it. And I’m sorry for reviewing you the way I did. See I am not really old to the Dododex community (even though I’m an old Ark Vet since 2015) for writing on here and so on, I started using the tips back in 2022 and started using a name in late 2022 or early 2023 as 40 chapters a day reader because I read 47 chapters of Moon’s The Obelisk in one day, but in early 2023 I revised it to Apex not knowing if someone else was using or used it. And at the time I was expecting someone to come out and confront me or ask why someone was using their name. But after several months of using it and not getting accused, I thought I found a name no one used in the past. And so I started using ways to identify myself like using a :) and saying Until next time (U.N.T) so people know who I am and can tell that I’m the real Apex and not an Imposter. And well, it stuck. I’m surprised you didn’t confront me way sooner when I started talking in Achatina with Moon and the rest of us in the Arkian/W.O.A/S.N.A.I.L group. I’m lastly sorry for changing your name to Beta, and if you would like. I’ll change my name again and you can continue going by Apex.
I hope I explained this well and didn’t make it even more confusing. I am terribly sorry once again for everything Apex. And I hope you can forgive me? Well, until next time!
-Apex:) or Apex2.0:) in this case
Whoever is impersonating apex NEEDS TO STOP. It is not nice. STOP. ✌️
Apex, apex, and more Apex...
Why so many?