ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I was looking through dyes and I found… i think it was… Orc dye? Maybe? But yeah I think it was a hater dye. And I found a post from Moon. But Moon hasn’t been posting that I’ve seen. Other than her story’s… Sooo. I don’t know if it was an impersonator or just Moon being rude. It said:
“Sup y’all, Moonflight here. Just came to call someone out. Ghost/Michael/Justin beaver/Sunnyfox, I didn’t mind at first but pretending to be multiple people and causing chaos, not to mention pretending to be both a hater AND a Fanfictioner? It’s honestly just funny now. What are you twelve?
Also hi Wyvernian! Glad you spotted this guy and his hater rants. How you doing?”
And everyone is both a Hater and a FanFictioner! Admit it there’s at least one story in Dododex that you hate! It could be mine! It could be Moons! It could be anyones! Everyone has tried too write a story at least once in your lives. And it’s most likely fiction! So… I don’t mean harm. I’m sure you don’t.. but if you discourage someone… you just are being mean. You can either help someone up when they fall or you can spit on them and walk away! Plz choose the first one. And just bc the haters are mean doesn’t mean you have too be mean too them too. And even if SunnyFox57 is Ghost and Michael Blueberry, you don’t get mad at Shadow for having multiple names too sign off from like, The Dark One, and Melody. So stop being mean too one person and you aren’t being mean too the other person even tho they are doing the exact same thing bc you favor the second person.
A very mad
More Cantaloupe Coloring Tips
Oh, yikes!! I’ll be praying for you, Tina. I’m really sorry that had to happen to you at such a young age!
Hoping that it gets better. D:
- President Loki
Looks cool on metal stuff,guns, and bows
*lays flower on grave*
Rest In Peace, Tina.
The Destiny of Frost, Introduction
The moon was high on a night colder than ice…
When the chosen one breathed his first breath.
He brought hope among the land, hope of a rebellion and peace…
But that hope was destroyed.
The evil one spread her hand that night, and slaughtered all the guardians of the elements. Then the land fell to her shadow, and all hope had left the ones who believed in a brighter future.
But the chosen one was hidden away. Hidden away until the next moon of the North Winds…
This is the start of my new story! I’ll post in silver and this dye where the next part is. This was the intro.
Tina originals 😁
Hey guys. I had a seizure on Friday the fourth. I don’t remember anything really. My friends said I started speaking gibberish, I walked around in circles, and then passed out. I just remembered felling drowsy then waking up in the hospital. I have to take a new medicine for it and it tastes terrible. But that happened. I’m scared guys. I’m only twelve.
A slightly terrified Tina
Ice blue raptor: glacier. Red TEK raptor: vermilion, scarlet, or blaze. Hope that helped!
Hey people!
If no one owns this right now, can I claim it? Please? Thanks soooo much!
Tina 😊👍
*places flower and peach cobbler on grave* lost but not forgotten, fly high -Harpocrates
Ima switch to fenrir since someone is wrighting in direwolf. U guys enjoying the story?
Oooooo this sounds good! Gives me The Last Airbender vibes. Looking forward to reading!