ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Gigas have a big heart and if you walk up to one you can take it by giving it a hug (don’t actually he’s going to eat you)
More Giganotosaurus Heart Tips
Let’s be honest fellas, most of us probably didn’t know this drop existed until we saw this. Because most of us have also never killed a giga
You could defo craft a dino from this.
Heart - Giga
Brain - Allo
Lungs - Yuty
Bladder - Gasbag
Spine- Diplo
Blood - Leech blood, possible just blood bags.
Feet - Argy Talons
Arm - Rex arms or Tentacles
Skin - Sarco
So yeah- wheres my hybrid creature :D
It’s called a “Giganotosaurus heart”, so why does the Charca drop this?
This heart is bigger than a human the giga is lovable 🥰🥰🥰
I have 7 giga hearts I need more words
Some guy on a server I'm in traded 3 of these for a mutated Argent. I say he got a good deal
Don’t eat the stuff smh I died bro 💀💀💀
Who expected that charcha had a giga heart instead of a charcha heart
Me: I won this girls heart
Guy: Why are your hands bloody?
Guy: *Sees dead giga in background*
Guy: oh