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Alright, this is too far.

It's one thing to say someone's story is lame and tell them to shut up. It's one thing to impersonate people. Most of us can handle that.

It's a completely different problem to tell someone to take their own life. There are people here with serious depression and life issues already. Are you really trying to push people to commiting, and if the answer is yes then I have another question for you:

What kind of a human being are you?

If you don't want to see the stories, LEAVE. It's that simple. You want a tip on a dye? Here you go: FOLLOW THE RECIPE. If you want someone to hold your hand and walk you through it step by step, watch a youtube video, they have those you know. You can't surf through the internet telling people their life is meaningless and they should commit. You have no idea who's on the other side of that screen, what problems they go through.

Another question for you, and answer honestly, not to me but to yourself: If you've got nothing better to do spam suicide threats in a section where people are just trying write stories and have fun, tell me again, who's life is "pathetic" and "meaningless?"

I don't know what you believe, though at this present moment I don't think you cling to faith at all, but I believe what goes around comes around. Call it what you want; Karma, The Golden Rule, Common Decency, I don't care, but whatever you put out in this world, bad or good, it's going to find its way right back to you, someway, somehow.

Are these the words you want to hear? Are these the words you're already hearing? Talk to someone and get HELP, don't pass the grief on to someone else.

One more thing before I take a breath and let this go: THE WORLD RUNS ON STORY TELLING.

It's behind everything. Mythology, literature, poetry. Not even just written things. It takes skilled writing to make good movies, good music, good games. Storytelling has shaped HISTORY ITSELF, so go on and write it off as lame if you want. Einstien was called stupid, Michael Jordan was told he couldn't play basketball, the doctors said Bethany Hamilton would never surf again, and yet you STILL know their names. You still know E=mc2, you still pass by Air Jordans in the store, and you still hear about the legendary Soul Surfer because GREATNESS NEVER QUITS.

We love writing, and we know people out there love it too. We've seen the kind posts, the inspired messages, and the fans-turned-fanfictioners. You think a few kids hiding in his/her closet typing threats to random people on the internet is going to stop that? Find a hobby, my friend, so you know exactly what we feel like when we write.

~CL1 has taken a breath. End of rant.

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