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Black Ghost- I’m too lazy to say ‘a President Loki short story’ every time

One (2/2)

Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and stopped in her tracks. Pivoting, she looked slowly around at the brightly colored forest surrounding her, scanning it for anything that could be tracking her movement with steel eyes. She circled twice, unable to find any sort of sign that she was being followed, but as she turned back the way that she had come for a third time, she was met with the face of a very fluffy black wolf. His eyes were white, a foggy sort of pale gray with no life in them at all. He was inches away, dry nose puffing hot air into her face, and although he was far taller than she, his eyes were directly level with her’s. Had Quiet been able to make a sound, she would’ve screamed; but her silence kept her from reacting in fear. Being mute kept her oddly calm in situations such as this, and even as fear spiked through her body, she stayed rooted.

When she blinked he was gone, as was any sort of trace that he had existed at all. Slowly turning her head once more she searched for him, but seeing nothing, she set off back towards her home in unnerved angst.

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