ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
A flying, mommy, platypus squirrel, that’s steals babies using it’s own.......... things. Ark has gone a long way from punching dodos.
If you can't see the saddle on your engrams just click the genesis part 2 on the top right and it should be level 16 or 19 at the very end
They don't have a usable oxygen stat so they can nurse underwater tames just turn on nursing before you go underwater and you must have your baby in the trough range so I suggest whatever you're raising put it on lowest follow distance and then have the baby follow the maewing. Super useful, super fast, and super versatile. Up this so ppl with water tames know
These are as easy as a parasaur to tame, it could be ur first tame! Only 15 hits with a club if its a lvl 25
Wildcard please give us a tel version that will let us fly up and refrigerate food put in it
Best mobility creature and is absolutely amazing for a late game tame
needs a tek saddle version that boosts you and cryo raises babys
Mommy milk flyer
Very epic
If taming a higher lvl use harpoon net for a better chance
Billboards is the best Way to trap the maywing.
Being the fastest flyer it's really good at exploration across land, air and water terrain 10/10 would recommend you get for an easy early game tame
A marking saddle can carry 4 baby
dinos/mammals and it acts as a transport through the air. Plus if you have a baby raptor in the massing saddle and you put meat in the massing inventory it will act like a through
They eat quick and a lot when they are raising so keep your cooked meat in you inventory stacked
Even though you unlock the saddle at level 19 you should be at least level 20 because it is crafted in the smithy
*walks in whistling* Hello Melody, it seems Shadow got kidnapped, so I’m taking you to the alps.
A must for mobiles pls add on mobiles too