ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Grind before getting the saddle so you can craft more for when you breed magmasuar so you can farm with your whole tribe
More Magmasaur Saddle Tips
These are best at metal gather. Plus he smelts it on his person. He is da best.
The magmasaur saddle makes you resistant to extremely hot temperatures and all gases
When you use a magmasaur in lave you can rapid fire fire balls
Saddle unlocks at lvl 95. A helpful tip should contain a few more words
Get metal and burn everything to itβs death
Grind for lev 95 you will need toπ
Does anyone elseβs saddle not come up in engrams
Trying to get a magmasaur eggs is hard sometimes
He is da goat π although he can still float and not turn to obsidian