ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I feel like you can put all the body parts together to create a hybrid withe big brain allo brain think skin sarco skin tiny arms t rex arm giant claws therizino claws good bladder gasbags bladder poisenness bite nameless and megalania Vermont and a good bite from meg teeth and a big horn worm horn and thats what I think
Petition to have this be consumable and gives and xp boost for 2 minutes but slowly depletes your health.
Knowledge of the Allosaurus,that is too dumb to do 1+1
They are big brain And you are small brain
Allosaurus had never reach such intelligentsia before
Allosaurus has no problem giving this up passively, when you spot a pack, eat a rare flower and run towards the leader to sneak in and sneak out.
There is the brain I never had, a Allosaurus took it
Not dropped on mobile so don’t try
Who else thinks there should be a mega hybrid with all if these
It kinda looks like a dog head i cant unsee it
They should make it to were frainkin dino has to be crafted at tek replicator or obelisk, or wherever you clone stuff. One or multiple of those places
Addition to the creature that one guy was talking about:with argy talons,Giga heart,yuty lungs tuso tentacles bronto spine WITH a spino sail and thylacoleo hook-claws.and that’s not including the alphas
I am the first one ha just kill allos
To you who said frainkin stine all the dino parts I agree but they should have it for all the maps and different combos to get different dinos with different health
they should make some indominus rex creature out of everything like this, the lungs, the giga heart, but maybe not the gasbag bladder…
A ZomDodo delicacy. Scrumptious.
I recommend to only do this if your gonna do a boss fight and go to highlands to find tons of allos I recommend to use a argentarias to kill the
A frakendino would b awsome and you ciuld mak it in a tek replicstir that would be awsome
kill an allosaur.
There should be an Easter egg where if you eat it your characters head enlarges for 100 seconds