ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

This kibble is easiest to obtain in early game because later the game you probably won't have any of these things like you'll have the carrots and everything like that but probably not the eggs.
More Simple Kibble Tips
Does anyone else find it weird how a compy egg is bigger than a parasaurs
Instead of trying to remember all the different egg sizes and what they make or combing through your fridges while looking at the app, just read the egg description. It says provides simple nutrition, regular nutrition, exceptional nutrition etc. Which corrosponds with regular kibble, exceptional kibble and so forth.
Somehow the Compy egg is bigger than a dodo egg
Sinomacrops eggs make this kibble
Equus like this kibble but it is a lot faster to give it rockcarrot! Note this so you can have a better time taming Equus
It's creepy that you can make a Dino eat it's own kids to make it your friend
Dimpordron lays more eggs faster than all the other ones
The egg sizes are weird, so don’t get confused on how a compy produces bigger eggs than a parasaur
This kibble recipe is NOT FOR MOBILE. The mobile recouped are different, also older recipes you might find on the web probably won’t work, they changed a little a year ago