ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

tip: i pretty sure that yuty was making dinos worse
the quetzal saved us from yuty
story: quetzal was doing something rate carry thing but the next when the 2 dinos done the 2 dinos fall on a fit hole and yuty maked then worse and after the end the quetzal maked yuty fall on fit hole but quetzal taked yuty lungs and maked this before yuty fall if the other dino was also was on a fit hole quetzal did take it lungs but they maked them worse
good ending: quetzal maked yuty fall on fit hole but quetzal taked yuty lungs and maked this before yuty fall
bad ending: quetzal weridly falls on a fit hole and yuty maked her worse (if there was other dino on a fit hole) if no dino on a fit hole yuty traps quetzal
dumb ending: quetzal trys to make yuty fall on a fit hole but quetzal got into wrong way and fall on a fit hole
friends ending: quetzal telled yuty to stop making dinos worse yuty says ok and stop doing that and quetzal friends with yuty
worse ending: yuty maked all dinos worse
best ending: quetzal kills yuty and maked all dino into normal dinos
lier quetzal ending: quetzal comes and yuty says what are you doing and pls don't make me fall on fit hole quetzal says i will not make you fall in a fit hole yuty but quetzal pushed yuty into a fit hole
lier yuty ending: yuty says i will not push you into a fit hole quetzal says ok but yuty push quetzal into a fit hole
both on a fit hole ending: quetzal trys to make yuty fall on a fit hole but both of them fall on a fit hole
teamwork yeti and yuty: quetzal saws that yeti teamwork with yuty
teamwork quetzal and yuty: quetzal and yuty teamworked
secret ending 1: quetzal was making dinos worse and yuty was not making dinos worse
secret ending 2: other dino maked yuty fall on a fit hole
secret ending 3: there was no dinos
about dinos:
quetzal (life saver)(voter)
mega (voter)(allo's boyfriend)
allo (not voter)(mega's girlfriend)
wyvern (voter)(crystal wyvern's boyfriend)
crystal wyvern (voter)(wyvern's girlfriend)
void wyvern (not voter)(wyvern and crystal wyvern's friend)
crystal wyvern queen (not voter)(queen version of crystal wyvern)
griffin (voter)
royal griffin (not voter)(royal version of griffin)
nameless (not voter)
dragon (not voter)
other dinos (voter)(1 baby voter)
yuty (not voter)(worse dino maker)
many dinos (not voter)
dino genders:
quetzal: female
mega: male
allo: female
wyvern: male
crystal wyvern: female
void wyvern: male
crystal wyvern queen: female but queen
griffin: female
royal griffin: female but royal
nameless: male
dragon: male
dinos that is voter: male, female
yuty: male
dinos that is not voter: male, female
More Yutyrannus Lungs Tips
Yoga people be like: Breathe in and breathe out
YuTyrannus be like: breathe in and fear roar out
I think some of the trophies should have uses other than bosses. For example, this could be used to make a battle horn that grants the courage roar effect.
Yuti is that one kid in the daycare center ๐๐
Donโt kill feather chicken
Need more words
You have to do solo vs trio. If u won u will earn winner winner yuty dinner
Consuming it allows you do not drown as quickly
bro we can put this in our body, and there Free diving suit
- Tamed yuties can recruit wild carnos to temporarily fight with them. Pretty sure alpha carnos are included.
- Fear-roaring a dino youโre trying to tame will make it receive increased torpor so it knocks faster and you use fewer mats.
- For whatever reason, maewings donโt get scared by a yutyโs roar the first time despite being a very easy creature to tame.
Love these underestimated creatures. They deserve more credit!
If your disrupted by this just take a look at the gasbags battery and you'll be happy.