ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Just kill a yuti duh was oh yeah they die easily in the snow so once you find it don’t waste time
More Yutyrannus Lungs Tips
Yoga people be like: Breathe in and breathe out
YuTyrannus be like: breathe in and fear roar out
I think some of the trophies should have uses other than bosses. For example, this could be used to make a battle horn that grants the courage roar effect.
Yuti is that one kid in the daycare center 💀💀
Don’t kill feather chicken
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You have to do solo vs trio. If u won u will earn winner winner yuty dinner
Consuming it allows you do not drown as quickly
bro we can put this in our body, and there Free diving suit
- Tamed yuties can recruit wild carnos to temporarily fight with them. Pretty sure alpha carnos are included.
- Fear-roaring a dino you’re trying to tame will make it receive increased torpor so it knocks faster and you use fewer mats.
- For whatever reason, maewings don’t get scared by a yuty’s roar the first time despite being a very easy creature to tame.
Love these underestimated creatures. They deserve more credit!
If your disrupted by this just take a look at the gasbags battery and you'll be happy.