ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Instead of trying to remember all the different egg sizes and what they make or combing through your fridges while looking at the app, just read the egg description. It says provides simple nutrition, regular nutrition, exceptional nutrition etc. Which corrosponds with regular kibble, exceptional kibble and so forth.
You can use this kibble with any creature
You can actually use ceratosaurus Eggs for this kibble witch is pretty neat.
you can breed deinos and their fertilized eggs works for this kibble too
Low level Yutis are the best option here.
Extrourdinary kibble kan replace other kibbles and can be used for any dino
Here's the way that I farm this kibble:
•Tame up a bunch of low level female yutyrannus (I currently have 12).
•Tame at least one low level male yutyrannus for the mate boost (which also increases egg production).
•Tame a low level oviraptor for the egg boost (The oviraptor must be set to wander for the boost to work. You can weigh it down with stone or something so that it doesn't move and you still get the boost).
•Put the yuts around the oviraptor so that they all get the boost and are all mate boosted.
You should get a ton of eggs with this method. The yuts are fairly easy to tame. Just make sure you kill the carnos first so that they don't get in your way. I also like to use the yuts as extra storage for hide/keratin/anything so that I can get as much use out of them as possible.
On Crystal Isles just get some low LVL wyverns and breed them
Extraordinary kibble can be used in teplace of all kibble. For taming and imprints!
This kibble works for all dinos
If u wanna do the angry duck get an itchyornis for its fish buff which Speeds up duck taking by ALOT
Maewing lay all egg types and easy beginner tame
Just get a Mae wing the lay eggs no matter what gender and they drop every type of egg for kibble. Note there also easy to tame on gen 2
Use maewings they can lay all types of eggs
Easy on fjordor, het deinonychus eggs, honey from vannaland. Crops from a village in vardiland and then some berries and narcotic
Yuti fem + oviraptor = factory of ext kibble
Given that fertilized deinonychus eggs are used to make Extraordinary Kibble there is literally no good reason to make the others. Just leave at least 12 females on breed with 1 male and you'll get plenty of kibble eggs.
Use dein eggs! No HP unlike the Yut egg. I use 3 females 1 male and I'm on 9 eggs already after 1 day
Best option here is just going to valg and getting some low level deinonychus eggs.
Why do megalania have higher standards than gigas?????