ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Never eat rare flowers near any Dino, it makes it hate you and it will try and kill you. NEVER DO IT. Don't listen to idiots that tell you to eat a rare flower near a Dino.
More Rare Flower Tips
Eat one next to the titanosaur. I dare you
Me: looks at the tip that says “Eat one right next to a titanasaur. I dare you”.
Also me: “ I can do that!”
30 minutes later I LITERALLY do just that
Still me: I’m so stupid f-
To the person who said “Eat one next to a titanosaur a dare you” As a mobile player, I see this as a Gigantic win.
Go in a swamp with a theri and do the claw harvest, such as L2. Just go in the trees and do this and you will get lots of these
● Rare Flowers
● Plant Species X Seeds
● Fiber
Me who eats this as a main food : my goals are beyond your understanding
Eating a rare flower will aggrow any dino around you, passive or aggressive. this could sometimes be a really bad idea. You could however, use it to tame skittish Dinos like a tapejara or a quetzal. Because eating it will cause them to not run away while you knock them out.
If you ever go to a Beaver Dam to raid it for Flowers, be sure to clear out the Dam’s entire inventory, or it will nevet refresh.
1: Tame a therizino
2: Go to any swamp or volcano if your on the center
3: go up to bushes and press C but before it harvest press right click and you will get lots more.
Up this if it helped
Dude, these don't aggro on mobile. Devs really must hate ARK mobile
On the Island just take your theri to the top of redwood mountain and just delicate harvest the plants up there. You can get hundereds of rare flowers.