ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

pssst... you. yeah you.
89, 57 (and surrounding)
22, 68
42, 66 (and surrounding)
remember when a beaver spawns there is guaranteed to be a beaver dam
More Rare Mushroom Tips
Take a theri to the swamp and harvest the trees with the right click attack for pc. R2 for ps4. You will get 100s in under 5 minutes. Hope this helps!
Anyone else thing that the procoptodon should gather rare mushrooms better considering the fact that its the only food you need to tame them
For those who dont know, you get A LITTLE BIT of rare mushrooms from mining crystal.
These are a great food for mobile players since they provide 25 food, don’t spoil, and are fairly light. The reason I say only mobile players is that on mobile there are no negative effects.
Take a kangaroo into the hunter cave there’s mushroom patches in there. I just got almost 66 stacks on 2x. I don’t know if it’s like this on ASE tho.
Eat it, you definitely won't go blind
Satan’s tickle bird is actually very good
Rob beaver dam and you will get a lot
Tickle chicken + upgraded soft gather = all the mushrooms, flowers and berries you'll ever need.