ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

The only way I could do that was if I had to go back
More Berries Tips
Why are we here we all know how to get berries
Tame a bronto statted for weight and damage with a platform saddle then tame some stegos statted for weight and put then in the bronto's platform saddle and go harvest some berries, once the bronto cant carry anymore berries put them on the stego's inventory because they have a 75% decrease of weight in berries
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The most easiest way of farming berries for beginners is that tame a moschops it take 2 or 3 minutes to tame and set it on enable wandering it will farm you a sack of berries and fibers in early or mid game thanks for reading it now give it an vote
Alot of people say get parasaurs for early berries
Iguanadons are just as easy to tame while being able to do a lot more.
Brontos should have a weight reduction on these
Beginner: igaunodon or a parasaur
Mid game: Stego
Late game or end game: GO WITH THE BRONTO
Use the secondary attack of Therizinosaurus on swamp bushes to collect rare flower and plantX seeds. Don't worry about the creatures in swamp except Kaprosuchus it can dismount you from the Therizino.
Donβt speak in chat unless your powerful trust me
Iganasdons are better than parasaurs
How to get berries-A guide
So, you're a survivor; just woke up with a rumbling tummy so you think "me hungry" Well that's nice you sad person in their underwear, that's what berries are for! They come in all kinds of colors on most bushes you find. You would think that with all those berries the bushes would be rainbows, but they aren't. There are 4 main kinds of berries:normal,good,stim,and narco(naptime)
Normal:This is the azul, amar, and tintoberries. They aren't special;they are just used in recipes or food
Good:this is mejoberries, they are better for taming
Stim:these ones make you more awake, but dehydrate you or starve tames;used in stimulants.
Narco:tHeY mAKe YoU sLEePy. UsE tO kNoCk StUfF oUt.