ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Net the Creatures when they are going to to kill you, so you can ride away
More Net Projectile Tips
Great for taming Griffins.It keeps them still so you can build the trap.
I agree they should be in all maps
Literally flipping off ark for no net gun on mobile
Effective on Karkinos, Yutyrannus, Rock Drakes, Thylacoleo, etc, etc, but the main creature you want to use this one is wyverns. Absolute joke to get wyvern milk with a few nets (bring a few in case you miss). A low level female wyvern can be knocked out with a good quality crossbow before even reaching the 20 second mark, and it will be trapped for a total of 60 seconds. It will be unable to move, use its breath attack, or bite, letting you blast it over and over. Take the milk, kill the wyvern, and get out of there. Several minute ordeal and you’re done.
Be warned there is a 30 second cooldown once a dinosaur breaks free before you can net it again.
Wow first one sorry number two but this should be for all maps! For karkinos taming.
- Sorrow reaper -