ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

just use the straw and that's all
More Dilophosaur Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) Tips
The person who said how to make jerky is to put some oil in a preserving bin aka a fridge and some cooked meat or cooked prime meat and you need spark power in the preserving bin I hoped this helped
Stegos farm citronal seeds like crazy (all seeds actually). Throw one of each in a crop plot and you always have the “rare” ingredients for kibbles.
Tame a moshchops and let it roam on wander. Check back after a few mins there should be enough seeds without much work . plant citronals on med crop plots
Dilo= anky
Anky= carno
Carno= trike
Trike= sarco
Sarco= stego
Stego= argy
Argy= spino
So dilo= spino remeber that
Very easy to tame with a little bit of meet
if it doesn't work, remember to remove the charcoal or rotten meat
You should get many dilophosaurs at the start of the game, since it takes quite some time to get enough eggs for the kibbles.
For those who doesn't work , don't use prime meat jerky . You have use the normal cooked meat jerky .That's all xD
It won’t cook idk why I lit it and got all ingredients and still would not cook I’d prefer you look it up on youtube
For the people who say it dose not work to make it make sure there is nothing you don’t need in the cooking pot