ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

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More Allosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) Tips
It’s also used as a kibble for a griffin
Allo kibble is easier than griffin super kibble
For getting easy kibble, just breed two allos over and over and get multiple females from the fertilized eggs! Then, you can breed all your allos over and over again for easy kibble. (I currently have 6 females and a male and have so much kibble it’s not even funny) 😳
Lystro > Diplo > Allo > Griffin = Late Game Already 👍🏻😀🗿🗿🗿
Why does the rex lays eggs 4x faster than this twink
Here is an actual tip, get a diplodocus easy passive tame then tame the damn thing or just find a wild diplo follow it and take its eggs it won’t do anything because they do 0% melee
I am taming a royal Griffin that is 405 level and also using 10x soothing balm without knowing that it will take almost my 10 to 15 days for playing also it's torpor drops rapidly the fun thing is i also searching for good level giga and guest what is spawned near my offline base that is on Griffin mountain i had tamed it and it's level is 370 it has torpor over 150k
Evidently, Gasbags are on mobile.
So knock out an owl then force feed it stim berrys and it will rapidly drop its hunger should take about 8 mins to tame lvl 150 owl with raw meat
Taming a lvl200+ is so hard because 1 allo kibble gives 1.8% even you have smoothing balm