ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
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Everyone must know im doing this on alpha first I have no experience of beta or gamma im doing this battle at LVL 98 and I have riot armor and a ascended pump action shotgun( I recommend you use a pump action shotgun too) and 17 megalasorus’ 1 yuty’ 1 Daedon 1 megatherium ( megatherium , HP: 45,000 Dmg: 1200% ) megalosaurus’ HP : 10k-25K Dmg: 250%-3000% .) and I rode the megatherium cuz there one of my favorite tames.i entered the fight and won in about 15 minutes , it was hard lost 5 megalosaurus’ and the yuty. But it was way easier than I guessed it would be SERIOUSLY. Thanks for reading .
- pro27king28