ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Rate Tips
It’s pretty easy. I tamed a lvl 10 male stego with this method;
10 tranq arrows
A bow or crossbow
100 berries (25 azulberries and so on)
1. Climb onto a rock the stego can’t when it charges at you
2. Shoot at least 7 tranq arrows at its side or stomach (I didn’t do the head)
3. If it doesn’t get knocked out shoot the rest of your tranq arrows
4. Once knocked out, feed it the berries
5. If it’s nearly conscious, feed it narcotics (1 spoiled meet and 5 narcoberries to make), narcoberries or bio toxin
6. If you run out of berries (which you shouldn’t) quickly collect some
7. You now have a stego!
(More tranq arrows/more
berries the higher the level)