ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Rate Tips
Use superior kibble and ghillie. When you find one you want to tame, make sure everything around it is dead (other deinosuchus can be left, but it’s more dangerous if they are left). Put on ghillie and watch until it lays down, body straight, and opens its mouth. Sprint to its mouth (directly to its mouth) and feed it, then sprint away. In full ghillie it won’t notice you for a few seconds as you sprint toward it or away before and after feeding. Once away, crouch and watch it, it’ll move a few meters and walk a little bit before laying down and basking. Rinse and repeat until tamed. If something it can kill is nearby it will aggro and attack it. Do not be afraid of it closing its mouth after you feed it, it’s can’t deal damage. It’s a really easy tame. It’s stronger than a Rex and has no oxygen.