ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Draft Model#1
By- MrGhostGamer
Jimmy spent the rest of the class thinking of ways he could get spidey back. “I could steal it, I could start a revolution, no to much work.” Jimmy thought vigorously. As the Recess bell rang Jimmy walked up to Mr. Hsu. “Mr. Hsu?” Jimmy asked. “Jimmy, I know what your thinking, but I’m sorry, your toy has to stay with me until next week.” Mr. Hsu replied. “Please Mr. Hsu. I need him for Show and Tell, is there anything I can do to get him back?” Jimmy asked. “Is there anything else you can use for Show and Tell?” Mr. Hsu asked. “Unless you want me to explain the history of the pencil, then, no.” Jimmy responded. Mr. Hsu sighed. “You can have it back, on one occasion.” Mr. Hsu said. “I’ll do almost anything!” Jimmy replied anxiously. Jimmy later found himself skipping recess to do extra schoolwork. He finally finished when the recess bell rang again. The halls filled with children. Mr. Hsu walked up to Jimmy. He looked at the work he had done. “I must say Jimmy, I’m impressed, for someone who enjoys playing, you work really fast.” Mr. Hsu said. Mr. Hsu walked up to the bookshelf and grabbed the action figure. He walked over and handed it to him. “I’m glad you did the right thing and didn’t start a revolution or something.” Mr. Hsu chuckled. “Er… yeah, definitely didn’t think of that….” Jimmy laughed nervously.
The End…