ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Draft Model #1
Written by a fabulous 5th grade teacher
Adapted by Ben
Ben is working on a REALISTIC FICTION story, but the story is incomplete. He has written an introduction to the story and explains the problem for the characters. Complete the story with an ending that makes sense.
“So you see class, you need to put a comma before the quotation mark when you use dialogue in your writing,” Mr. Hsu announced.
Unfortunately, he had droned on and on about commas for the last 20 minutes so the vast majority of the class had completely tuned him out at this point. With only 10 minutes left until recess, every kid in the room was squirming around! Meanwhile, Jimmy’s mind wasn’t on the tetherball court or the handball wall… he was thinking about his favorite Spiderman action figure that was sitting in his backpack.
Normally, students wouldn’t be able to bring toys to class, but today was special. It was Jimmy’s turn for show and tell and he couldn’t wait to show off his awesome toy. This wasn’t any Spiderman action figure, it was THE DELUXE SPECIAL EDITION SPIDERMAN WITH DUAL WEB SLINGING WRIST LAUNCHERS. Jimmy couldn’t help himself. “Just a quick peak. I just need to know Spidey is still there,” he thought to himself.
It wasn’t long until his hand was in the backpack. Then the action figure was out! He thought he would be slick if he played with it inside his desk until… “MR. HSU! JIMMY’S PLAYING WITH HIS TOY IN CLASS!” exclaimed Britney. She was always a tattle tale and he just got Jimmy in big trouble.
“You know what that means Jimmy? That toy is mine until next week. Your parents can pick it up when it’s time. Until then, Captain Spider Thingy is going to sit up here on top of this bookshelf where you can’t reach,” declared Mr. Hsu.
It was as if Jimmy’s heart shattered into a million pieces. It was bad enough that Mr. Hsu
thought it was called a Captain Spider Thingy, now Jimmy wasn’t going to be able to play with
his prized possession for a whole week! He had to get it back. There was no way he was going
home that day without Spiderman by his side. Jimmy had to come up with a plan.