When you Encounter a Voidwyrm, first check its level, if its a high level then flex on your server that “I just found a 190 Voidwyrm in space” and impress everyone! Jokes aside what you should do is you should try and grab as much mutagen as possible and put it into your last hotbar slot. You can get Mutagen either from crafting it with Mutagel which can be found either in space sometimes or inside the rockwell biome under the acidic stomach acid. Or you can also find glowing white plants in the rockwell biome sometimes which give you pure mutagen and plant species R seeds. Although when you pick up the plant, all summoners and machrophage in a nearby area will begin to attack you so grab what you can and run! Once you have your Mutagen go up to the Voidwyrm you need to get it down to 10% health or lower before you can feed it mutagen. I recommend using either a tek rifle, Pump-Action-Shotgun or a tek bow to tear through the Voidwyrms Health. You’ll know when the Voidwyrm is ready to be feed and is at 10% as it will roar and blue lights will shine from its wings. Fly over to the Voidwyrm and attempt to jump on it and ride it. When you successfully do this then you will enter a minigame. Whenever the Voidwyrm Barrelrolls you must press the ride button to feed it Mutagen, if you fail this then the Voidwyrm will kick you off its back and will attempt to attack you again. You will also loose taming efficiency from this so try to react ASAP when it barrel rolls. Keep feeding the Voidwyrm Mutagen until it is tamed! Enjoy your new Voidwyrm and i hope this helped someone.

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