ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Even though this guy is harder than every other boss on the map even though he is a miniboss, you can cheese him really easily! You only need a velonsaur and grappling hooks. Before you summon him, use the grappling hooks get to a high ledge in the arena and put your velo there, once you summon him, go grapple back to your velo and start shooting him. he cannot reach you. Back up into a safe place when he begins to pile all of his stuff into one ball, that is his ranged attack. after he throws it at you, go back and repeat. He drops 30 element and some nice loot.
It is the Hardest Mini Boss because of his Armor, but I used a High level Velonasaur with melee point and I took him down, an army of magmasaurs or rock golems could probably do it to, maybe a Yutyrannus can improve your chances. Up if you found helpful.
I have killed him four times without issue cryo pod an imprinted giga good stats 500ish damage 30000ish health. Also bring very good cold weather gear a tec canteen with hot water really helps and curry. Your biggest pain will be picking bear guts from your gigas teeth for hours.
Third tip! It’s cute. No? Is it just me?
Corner ledge, velonasaur, 25 minutes of ur life. Steinborn = dead
A good way to defeat this bear is to use velonosaurs as they do enough damage to bring it down, you can also use gigas and rock elementals. If your on your own without dinos you can use a rocket launcher with homing missiles while being grappled to a wall with a crossbow and grapples as this works quite well too..
My tip on killing this boss is by getting 3 high level reapers and a yuty it is a powerful combo because of the damage and resistance
The hardest one of the worldbosses (imo) had crazy damage resistance when I fought it and had 300k health
second tip! Different person!
forcetame to own god
Fly to ledge at the back of the cave in then un cryopod a descent velonosaur. Bring milk.
Your best bet is something that deal explosive damage like magmasaurs or shadowmanes not only are the not affected by the bears armor but they deal extra damage. Phoenix does as well but unless you have an army of god tier phoenix I do not recommend it.
Alright so Heres a good tip.
Noooo u dont need mutated gigas or rexes, u just need a velonasaur(from the fire wyvern island), crank up to abt 600%+ dmg and use a grapple to get on one of the ledges and then just shoot him from the cliff, he cant get to u, therefor keep some health stuff like blood or brew, a few stones will hit u for small damage.
Blood stalkers have a amor piercing attack so use some front blood stalkers
Gigas are the way to go, rock elementals do the second most damage against it.
The actual boss doesn’t look like this it’s way more impressive with lots more rock, ice spikes, and snow on it. This Dododex pic is what the taxidermy looks like, because for some reason the taxidermy looks nothing like the boss… it’s because Dododex uses taxidermy poses for the pictures if you look at them you can see what I mean. (Also explains why rubble bears have no pic yet because they kinda just explode when killed..)
To kill use the amargasaurus armor break spine to remove the damage reduction and then kill it with gigas
The magmasaur is hit strong
Carcha are good for this one.