Noglins episode 1 this is dave he is a noglin he drinks…

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Noglins episode 1 this is dave he is a noglin he drinks blood of other tames so they are hated apond but dave thinks that one day he will be remembered for his actions (dave) hey guys how come we are hated? I don’t get it (garry) well I am a snail so you are the only one (dave) oh thanks Garry your the best dave walks back home and sleeps in his den (dave) I wish I was actually loved I mean I am just trying to survive slowly dave drifted off to sleep until he gets an idea (dave) that’s it! I will go on a great adventure and show them that I am useful so dave grabbed his friend Garry and off they went (Garry) where the hell are we going! (Dave) to adventure that’s what! 5 hours later (dave) we’re lost! (Garry) we? You came up with this crappy idea! (Dave) do you have to judge me on everything (Garry) yep (dave) let’s go into that cave that’s definitely not dangerous at all! (Garry) foreshadowing! (Dave) shut up! (???) who interrupts my slumber! (Dave) eeek! (???) seriously though i was mid hibernation and now i realize that I look disgusting well sleeping for half a year isn’t the best so what do you want? (Garry) damn she hot- (dave) shut up! (???) I have a husband so go find someone who actually cares for your dumb face and intelligence (Garry) 😢 (dave) I am dave a noglin and I think that noglins need more attention (???)😂 really your an idiot nobody cares about you or what you do! (Dave) you know what you is a mother fu- (Garry) you can’t say that our story will be banned! (Dave) did you just break the 4 wall (Garry) oh crap uhhh forget what I said ok? (???) any way dumb dumbs I am Felicia a spider (Timmy) mommy who are they? (Felica) … you know how long it takes to put this kid to sleep! (Garry) I am single so how exactly do I answer this question (Felicia) you know what I will feed you knuckle heads to timmy! (Timmy) yay breakfast (both) noooooo! To be continued

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