Is something wrong with me? I used to think these things were Purlovias. WHATS WRONG WITH ME!
Is something wrong with me? I used to think these things were Purlovias. WHATS WRONG WITH ME!
Is something wrong with me? I used to think these things were Purlovias. WHATS WRONG WITH ME!
Open the Dododex app on iOS or Android, select a creature, and go to Tips > Submit Tip.
My ankylo took down an alpha raptor solo like it was nothing. Her heath wasn't even low etheir. Her name is Mrs. Junglebull, and she has proven her strong spirit.
I will take down that alpha carno once and for all…
Bubbles must have been a strong warrior, im so sorry he died...π’πRip bubbles...
Kinda sad story :(.. I had a megalocerus named Mr. Clementine. His antlers were orange-ish and his fur was white. I went everywhere with him, and he quickly became my second favorite tame alongside Rexy. Once, I took…
When I first encountered this, I was out in the open sea for a very long time. I traveled a semi-far? way down below shallow water. I was looking for a mosasaur, so I could pin-point the location, and go back with…
The Spino Story | Chapter 1: The Female
A Male Spino has been wanderimg for hours now, looking for prey. It was too late to go any farther,
so he decided to go back to his large den. Then he suddenly heard large…
I have a Megaloceros and his name is Bucky. I don't have a saddle for him yet, but he is precious to me. He also is very strong, so I want to lvl him up so he can be invincible. He goes through small dinos with ease.…
So I'm on mobile right? Well, I'm deep-sea diving with my ichthy and see an ammonite. I go to it, NOT EVEN TOUCHING IT, or HITTING IT, and get sprayed. Suddenly every single dang creature in the sea comes at me, and…
You should get lots of berries, and definitley Amarberries. Dodo is pretty easy to tame, and if you make it strong, it might not become useless after all. I once had a dodo army for distractions so I could hunt bigger…
Equus Gestation is long. My Equus took 5-6 hours to actually have the foal. The Equus power for my Equus was 2.55, and the other Equus was 2.68. The baby was a lazy equus.
I tamed a max lvl male, and a female 2 lvls away from the max. Female literally obliterates everything. I bred them for a mutation, but I will have tons of work to do.
Im aiming for lots of melee to beat up a giga…
If you are looking for an update on Mr. Clementine 2022, here you go... Rest in Peace. Killed by a paracer. Took him to redwoods. He was a great protecter.. I am feeling sad, and I still remeber his death. Rexy could…
I knocked out a quetz
Quetz lands
Quetz lands in swamp
10 seconds later gets eaten by a piranha.
The Spino Story: Chapter 2, the Green Obelisk.
Traveling wasn't the best for the male spino, he never wandered too too far from his home. But a female was with so, maybe it would not be bad. After all, maybe he could…
So this is the story of how I met Rexy, my OP Spino.
It all started on a fine day. But then, a WATERMELON SPINO CAME IN TO PLAY. I had to evacuate an leave my home, forgot my dodos left alone. Went round' a corner…