How I was eaten by a Giga: Me and my Tek Raptor were…

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How I was eaten by a Giga: Me and my Tek Raptor were picking berries for taming a therizinosaur until I saw a huge shadow over me I looked to My raptor but she ran off. So there I was...alone feeling the hot, foul-smelling breath of the unknown creature. I turned around and then I saw it... Two huge Jaws filled with razor sharp teeth, I knew it was a Giga... It stared at me with saliva dripping from its jaws, I knew it was hungry and wanting to eat me, I tried to run but I was petrified with fear from it... Then its jaws opened wide revealing it's huge tongue. I looked up at it and all I saw was it's massive throat I looked around and it's mouth closing around me I knew it was over for me so I closed my eyes and waited for it to eat me... But when I open my eyes... I was ok but I was in a dark, damp, place I realized I was in it's stomach, I turned on my flashlight and I saw the stomach walls of the massive creature and I just sat there and I am now still in the giga's stomach to this day. -Lunarwolf, the Dragon hunter

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