ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They spawn on extinction. Click that arrow to the sky so the devs can show it in maps.
More Dreadmare Encountering Tips
These can be found on Extinction in the wasteland.
They are on Extinction in the southern part of the wasteland between the Sulfur fields and the desert dome
I’ve seen one in extinction but it was glitch and had no collision and couldn’t take damage I didn’t know what was happening
On center you can find it in the floating island area.
You can find these devils on scorched earth around the area of Latitude 52.9 and Longitude 81.7 at least that’s where I found mine and don’t forget they come out at night!!!
Parasaur will ping its location even during the day then build a cage surrounding it also turrets don't lock onto it at the moment as of 10-31-24
They are definitely on extinction you will find them in the southern part of the wasteland between the Sulfur fields and the desert dome. Also I found two around latitude 49.8 and longitude 89.6
Love the new pic
Only spawns at night and kinda all across the eastern half of the ark