ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Really fast 3 ascendant sniper shots to kill spawns at boss level
More Defense Unit Encountering Tips
They are called bosses because the spawn in the final boss of the island they aren’t really bosses.
Use tek weapons to kill them and they go *EXPLODE* when killed. Get to da top so others see!
When you kill harvest with axe
If your on extinction just kill them they attack your tames and can’t be tamed and when the die the drop element.
why are these guy in bosses if their all over extinction
The overseer will spawn these dudes in,they only take 2 ascendant sniper shots to destroy! They are reaaaaaaally fast!!!so watch out!!!!
Spawns in during the final boss. Falls apart after around 3 ascendant sniper shots. They also drop element.
They are really powerful and they drop element but just 1 tho
I'm pretty sure that on extinction you can stand on top of them and be semi safe because when I played they didn't attack me
They’re name is self explanatory, and I’ll explain why! I’m to lazy to make a thesis, so let’s just cut to the chase!
I’ll start off with where they spawn! (Fair spoiler alert and I may not state ALL of they’re spawns) So where would one find one of these beautiful, yet untamable pieces of technology? The locations are:
Ark: the island: (inside Tek cave) location: top of the volcano again in the cave
Ark: Extinction: sanctuary. spawns: everywhere.
And I’ve heard they spawn on Gen:1 but I haven’t checked yet!
So what do these guys do? Are they aggressive? Or passive?
Well this would depend on what map they spawned on. For instance defense units on the island are cave hostile so they will attack you. Extinction defense units however aren’t the case. They will display docile behavior toward the player, and only showing aggression to wildlife. With this behavior, this unit is something that a new survivor spawning in extinction can count on.
To people wondering how they get around so fast?
Defense units have 2 modes, defense/engage mode. And efficient travel mode (these aren’t what they are called but they are just for reference). The defense mode is always active, upon approaching a target. For example a timid herbivore like a galli, once hit it books it. Once a large amount of distance is lost to the defense unit, it will engage its travel mode, and roll toward the target covering a lot of ground. However it cannot attack in this mode.
Warning for new players to extinction: I suggest building spike walls around your base before you start taming. Defense units actively eliminate Wildlife nearby the sanctuary. Be weary when taming because they will try to kill it!
A common question is “Why did this defense unit attack me out of nowhere? Unprovoked?”. This usually happens when you happen to kill a for example defense unit/enforcer, nearby a scout drone. If the drone notices you, it will pulsate a red line. Followed by a forcefield. The drones way of getting survivors killed is the tactic such as: “I can’t kill you… but he can!”. When the drone glows red it might aggravate units. And from there they will try to kill you until eithor, you die. Or you eliminated the drone, and escaped the units. Same with enforcers.
*Defense units are docile to players. But show targeted aggression towards wildlife, tamed or untamed.
*Due to their tanky health, and moderate attack damage. Defense units can be used as a survivor’s personal bodyguard. And I would recommend if your new to extinction to have a few for protection!
*Defense units can be aggressive towards the player if a provoked scout drone is nearby.
*Defense units are an excellent source of electronics.
*don’t leave tames unattended near them.
Thanks for reading! :D