Brachiosaurus are an unconventional KO tame.

Knocking one out requires a bit of patience and lots of bullets of any kind. It’s also recommended to clear out rocks and trees from the area for a clear shot to their hind legs.

To KO a Brachi

1. Shoot at the Brachiosaurus with arrows from a bow or crossbow, as this deals a tiny amount of damage, to draw their aggression

2. Keep running away, occasionally shooting more arrows to keep it aggro’d, until it rears up on its hind legs

3. When on its hind legs, you have to shoot its back legs below their knees with any bullet-based weapon (shotguns or fabricated sniper rifles recommended) While in this state, it is faster than a player, and will perform a devastating mega stomp attack if it catches up to you. Try to keep to its sides as it has a poor turning circle.

4. Repeat the process until it is knocked out. Shooting the brachiosaurus accidentally after it is knocked out shouldn’t decrease taming effectiveness, but care should still be taken to avoid overly damaging it. When the brachi is not in its standing state, and when you hit it with bullets outside of its hind leg area, it takes much more damage and could be killed.


Use shotguns for the majority of the taming process but use a sniper rifle for the last bit of torpor. There is a window of time where you can run up to the brachi as it leaves its bipedal stance and use a magnifying glass to check its torpor levels. This will help avoid accidentally killing or overly damaging your brachio

If the brachiosaurus is looking injured, dragging corpses of creatures nearby and allowing it to perform its mega stomp attack is a quick way to heal it

Brachiosaurus prefer Exceptional (gold) Kibble and don’t like Mejoberries as much as other herbivores. Feed them only kibble or veggies when possible

More Brachiosaurus [MOD] Taming & KO Tips