Lore of the ARK's part two: my testing on the dilo really did solve questions I had in mind.

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Lore of the ARK's part two: my testing on the dilo really did solve questions I had in mind. I never knew they can be used a temporary status devices. When I took the implant from the dilo, the implant was not glowing brightly at all. When an implant is bright, the Creature is dead, but it can be cloned. When it is not glowing, it is dead and you can't clone of do anything with is. But in this case, when the implant is not bright, the Creature is alive! When the dilo woke up, I had its implant, and it described the dilo's status, alive; but only after a few minutes, the implant wore out. But the dilo pis still alive, so if I'm correct, anything that happens in those few minutes to the implant will state the creatutures status! Another discovery!

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