ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
El argentavis
Te sirve para trasportar aceite o dinos
More Argentavis Saddle Tips
If you’re on mobile, sabers are good for harvesting chitin. Go into the south cave (the easiest one) and you’ll come out with thousands of chitin.
A good way I found to get chitin is farming the scorpions with a axe you get like 120 -140 each
Works as a smithy but you can’t repair things in it
Can also be used as a mobile smithy. Pretty handy, right?
Do missions if you’re not the exact level or you can get loot drops you have a 1% of getting it or it just random. Hope it helps
I tamed one before I got a saddle and I waited so long to ride it
Kill trillobits and you will get a lot of chitin
Kill bugs to get the most chitin
just get a direwolf and go cave exploring or getting the artifact for a soothing balm before you tame an argy
got a crap ton of chitin from a single cave run with luna the direwolf
Tame a saber and cave or look for bugs they get around 40 chitin per kill