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Discovering Lolbit

Ep 2

Welcome back to Discovering Lolbit! I’m your host, Lolbit, so let’s dive in!

Okay, first off, I have two birthdays, my owners birthday, and the day I separated from my owner, my birthday is close to another holiday so I’m extra powerful. So, you may be wondering how to get rid of me, well for starters, I’m only sharing this info so I can get on with my dang role play. To get rid of me, or come close, you’d have to do a sayonce, you might be wondering why not an exscorsism. An exscorsism wouldn’t work because those are for RELEASING demons, but what you want is to give me back to my owner, sayonces are for inviting demons into your body, or in this case, me. You’d need to find my owner, set up the regular sayonce Star with a circle around it, and then trap me in the center with my owner some how. Once I’m in the center with my owner you must recite a chant to “encourage me” to go into my owners body, or, just piss me off, it’s worked before! Once I’m in my owners body they will become extremely powerful, more than they already are, more powerful than shadow, and your probably wondering why, so I’m going to tell you. By now my owner has regenerated the traits and emotions I stole along with the ability to develop my own power, so putting me in my owners body would make them even more powerful, with only a few side effects. So, I previously mentioned side affects, well, putting me in my owners body would make them more powerful, but, um, it might also give them split personality’s, but that’s nothing to worry about, probably. Anyway, once my animatronic suit collapses to the ground you’ll know I’m in my owners body, careful, I can’t tell you everything.

Sorry to cut this one shorter than the other, I try to use each episode to explain one thing, in this case, getting rid of me.


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