ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
step 1: find lake
Step 2: tame plesiosaur
Step 3 name plesiosaur “Nessie”
Step 4 put sign next to lake that says: Loch Ness
Step 5 put Nessie in lake and turn on wander and auto aggro
Kill fish and kill more fish to then tame bigger fish
Guys, i was gettin thousands of fish meat on offical - the center.. i used my spino to kill the abundance of mantas that fallow the basilos.. you black bar so fast it will blow your mind... pro tip: use fish meat to raise babies.. it takes twice the time to spoil!
Raw fish meat gives less hunger than basic meat
Fun fact: u can read.
If you have a spino with a saddle got to rivers or the ocean and kill the sharks and fish watch out for the jellyfish aka cindra
Early game if you have a sickle it’s the best for gathering, put it at the top for new players
Tame a ichy and give it a saddle then kill megalodons
For mobile
Why isn't the sickle here? It doesn't make sense because it using the sickle on dead fishes gives you fish meat
Best way to ruin a land Dino’s taming effectiveness
Fishing net+fish.the best dino for fish is spino
Begginer prime/normal fish meat requirements 1:raft 2:a few dodos 3:bow now get you and your dodos on the raft throw a dodo in the water swim around with the raft until a meg attacks your dodo then light the meg up
Tuso is really amazing getting meat all you need is 50 black pearls tuso lvl DOESNT matter if it’s for meat run get a carbo/turtle and let it suck on turtle and feed it
Just don’t use it to tame non-aquatic animals it will take hours!!!And gives less amount of food and health (cooked gives more food and health) from the normal meat.
My favorite way of getting these is to go in a narrow river. Then punch or hit a fish with a bat. They will all get scared and swim on to shore. They will die and you can walk around harvesting their boddies.
Caron carbon
John hon gone
Go out in the ocean with a bary and keep stunning everything
If you have a tamed spino with a saddle go to oceans or river and kill the sharks and fish watch out for cnidaria aka jellyfish they will stun your spino and make you hop of your spino.
The best is actually a sickle
Get a spino than kill a magaladon