ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
Bringing my giga to kill one wish me luck
They are dropped by alpha rexes (the rarest creature in the game) and the skull can be put on a trophy wall mount!
Just tried a alpha rex level 20 with a level wyvern 210 and he almost killed me so dont go into them with a lot confidence as me 😭
No I am not happy cause I wanna tame it but it. Is impossible 😭😔
In ark 😅
Alpha versions of any dino are not to be taken on with over confidence. A level 15 Alpha (anything) is worse to fight than a level 150 version of the same dino.
How do I find an alpha trex in ark mobile 🥲
Yay no NOOO I’m not happy AT ALL why??? Cuz he almost killed my dangerous rabies ( Spino ) he was like at 30 hp and I said no let’s run AT HOME FAST BEFORE THAT REX SEES US and I was so unlucky like there was a whole pack of 3 Allosaurus in front of my spino and I ran randomly until they saw me and I was like: no I’m ded Rn 💀