ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Just so you know, Oviraptors also drop this. Some dude said troodons do as well, but I mostly play mobile so I can’t confirm.
More Nerdry Glasses Tips
please tell me im not the only one who always read them as “nerdy” glasses…
Ok, I know why dilos drop this skin. Remember in Jurassic park, were the dilophosaurus killed Dennis nedry? Well, at that time, Dennis nedry had his glasses. But idk (I think this is a little dumb) that the game calls them nerdry glasses, not nedry glasses.
actually this is from the death of that one fat guy in jurassic park
It's a Jurassic Park reference.
Yeah I always also call them nerdy glasse
Dennis gets out of car.
Dilophisaurus surprise motherf****r
Context: Dennis Nedry from Jurassic World died because of a dilophosaur, and Dennis had his glasses on, that is why there is a chance for dilophosaurs to drop this skin. (Shouldn't they be called Nedry Glasses?).
Please tell me i am not the only one who read them as "Nerdy Glasses" for 4 years.
-Pablo :D
The Dilophosaurus killed Nedry and then they got his glasses and then found spare glasses.Some Dilophosaurs actually have a sunglass on them.In jurrasic park they wandered so far later then they survived a Megalodon attack and swam ashore meeting a player.The player died shortly and his remains were just a body and a few gear.At first it seemed easy until a giant Tyrannosaur came.Now they changed and run away when they feel dizzy.They became slightly less aggressive and weaker with more spikes. Very strange if you ask me.
I love how I played this game after watching TheGamingBeaver after I watch Jurassic Park and realize that the "Nedry Glasses" are referring to Jurassic Park. By the way the fat dude that tries to be the villain of J Park that fails miserably. R.I.P. (not really because I really hated him in the beginning) Dennis Nedrymier for being a real idiot.🤣😅🥳😧
U dont need this skin, to unhide ur hair. Just hold "t" button on ur keyboard then "play emote" then "hide hat". And booom ur hat is gone. Up, so nub people like me, will always wearing a hat